Living and trading in Thailand - how good is it?

Hello Insider,

imagine this scenario: Thailand - sun, beach, turquoise sea, and you in between. And how do you live? Of course, by trading! Trading in Thailand - how cool is that?

Summer vacation is winding down and it's back to reality. We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable time despite the challenges. While memories and dreams linger, it's already time to look forward to the next summer. But what if you could escape it all? Pack your bags and head to the sun, sand, sea, and tropical fruits for a much-needed break.

But there remains one crucial question: How do you sustain a living in such a scenario?

This question, among others, will be addressed in my upcoming video. A few years back, I took a bold step by relocating with my wife and child from Germany to Thailand. It was a decision I have never regretted, and one that you too can make if you aspirate to turn your trading into a successful and profitable venture.

I hope you find my new video "Trading in Thailand" both informative and inspiring. Perhaps we may even cross paths in the near future. Wishing you all the best!

Why Thailand?

We were tired of the rainy weather in northern Germany and longed for a change of pace. Our love for Thailand goes way back to when we got married here in 2012 and eventually, in 2017, we made the bold decision to leave everything behind and start a new life in this beautiful country. Little did we know, Max had the same idea.

For us, luxury isn't measured in material possessions but in time. Here in Thailand, we have all the time we need to do what we want. We lead a minimalist lifestyle, free from appointments and compromises, and spend our days experiencing all that this amazing country has to offer. Whether it's sunbathing on the beach, splashing in the pool, or exploring the jungle, our time here is truly priceless. Our kids absolutely love it too!

Costs in Thailand

The trading costs in Thailand are comparable to those in other developed countries such as Germany, Europe, and the USA. I prefer to work with professional brokers, so my costs are similar to other professional futures traders.

The cost of living in Thailand is lower than in Germany, but it may not be as affordable as some may think. While certain areas in Thailand can be relatively cheap, tourist hotspots may not be as economical. Our family values comfort, so we have rented a house with multiple rooms, air conditioning, and a swimming pool that meets Western standards.

While living in a simple hut may save on expenses, it is not suitable for our long-term stay. We prefer to live comfortably and feel at home. Supermarket food is pricier compared to Germany, especially imported products, and even more expensive on the island where we reside. However, we can still enjoy fresh, sun-ripened fruits on the street and savor cheap Thai food at local food markets.

We have opted to use scooters instead of a car, which is cost-effective as we only use a small amount of gasoline. Electricity is the only additional cost. Although life may not be cheaper in Thailand, our lifestyle is much simpler and more fulfilling on the island. We have the freedom to visit the beach anytime, spend quality time with our family, and avoid the hassle of traffic.

As full-time residents in Thailand, we are also subject to local taxes. However, Thailand does not impose taxes on foreign income, including profits from trading, which is beneficial for our portfolio growth. This tax-free environment allows us to invest more and see faster growth in our portfolio.

Technology in Thailand

Thailand is renowned for its lightning-fast and incredibly affordable Internet. In many homes, including mine, a 500 Mbit connection is provided for free, and mobile Internet with nationwide 4G coverage is available for a flat rate of just 5€ per month. This is a stark contrast to the situation in Germany, where fast and cheap Internet is a luxury.

For traders who require quick order execution, however, the distance to Europe or America can cause some latency, with a delay of about 200 milliseconds. However, this is not a concern for me as a swing trader.

Although power outages do occur from time to time (roughly twice a month for a few hours), we simply head to the beach or the pool during those times. Without air conditioning or a fan, staying inside can be quite uncomfortable.

Disadvantages of Thailand

The time zone in Thailand presents a challenge for trading US futures, which is why Max tends to prioritize visiting America. The fact that it is 3am in Thailand when Max sends his trading plans to the coaching members can be inconvenient. However, I have the advantage of placing my trades in the morning before the stock market opens, avoiding the need to stay up late at night. This allows me to enjoy my morning in Thailand, place my trades, and then spend the rest of the day relaxing on the beach.

The limited visa is another drawback to residing in Thailand long-term. As tourists, we are only allowed to extend our visas once and can only stay for a maximum of 6 months per year. However, there are visa agencies that have special relationships with the government and can provide a longer-term visa for a fee. Alternatively, if you are over 50 years old, you can apply for the retiree visa, which requires a simple passport stamp every 3 months at one of the many immigration offices.

My costs in Thailand

The cost of living can vary, but on average a family of four can expect to spend around 1,600€ per month. This includes:

Rent: 300€ to 1,000€ with an average monthly payment of 700€.

Electricity: 20€ to 80€ per month, with a slightly higher average for our family due to the use of two air conditioners, two instant water heaters, and electric cooking.

Food: 400€ to 700€ per month, which includes a mix of eating out and cooking at home. By sticking to simple Thai dishes and local foods, the monthly food budget could be reduced to 200€, but with children who enjoy eating pizza and other Western dishes, the cost is higher.

Health Insurance: 90€ per month with a yearly cost of 1,200€ for a German long-term overseas insurance. This only covers emergency situations and preventative check-ups must be paid for separately.

Mobility: 100€ to 300€ per month, which includes the cost of owning scooters or renting for 90€ per month, and an estimated 20€ for gas. If a car or taxi is rented, the cost will be significantly higher.

In conclusion, a monthly budget of 2,000€ for a family of four is manageable and includes all fixed costs, but the cost of leisure activities and visas should also be considered. Singles or couples can expect to spend less.

Conclusion on life in Thailand as a trader

Life in Thailand is truly exciting and offers a great sense of freedom. The crime rate is minimal, and we have never felt threatened or uneasy. During the current Corona crisis, living on a small island has been even more liberating, as we are not subject to many of the official restrictions that are present in other parts of Thailand.

For us, it is a wonderful opportunity to live our dream and make the most of our shared time, while also building our wealth. In comparison, it was much more challenging to lead such a life in Germany. The cost of living in Germany was always unpredictable, making it difficult to save money. Here, our expenses are more manageable and easier to plan for. For example, repairing a car in Germany often cost over 1,000€, while fixing our scooter here never exceeds 50€.

If you're a trader who feels the pull of adventure, I highly recommend Thailand. As a swing trader, you won't encounter any drawbacks.

While I am passionate about Thailand, it's important to acknowledge that other countries have similar positive conditions. Every country has its own pros and cons, but for me as a trader and a freedom-loving family man, the benefits of living in Thailand far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

I wish you a lovely time and send you warm greetings from Thailand!

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Futures, foreign currency and options trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC Rules 4.41 - Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations, unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.

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