About Max.

Max Schulz, founder of InsiderWeek, holds a degree in business administration with a focus on finance.

He has been a successful commodity trader since 2014. He has turned $14,000 into over $1.5 Million in 10 years. Max has also placed in the top 5 in the World Cup of Futures Trading Championship 3 times in the last several years. His annual net returns average 77% with a whopping 156% in his best year. What's more impressive is that he has accomplished all this with a maximum drawdown of under 10%.

  • He has been a successful commodity trader since 2014.
  • He has turned $14,000 into over $1,3 Million in 8 years.
  • Max has also placed in the top 5 in the World Cup of Futures Trading Championship 3 times in the last several years.
  • His annual net returns average 76% with a whopping 156% in his best year.
  • What's more impressive is that he has accomplished all this with a maximum drawdown of under 10%.

What makes Max different from other successful traders, is that he has been willing to publish his trading strategy and all his trades in real-time over the years - the good, bad, and ugly. Why? Because Max wants his followers to understand how trading really works.

Max with Larry Williams
Max owes much of his success to his inspiration, legendary trader Larry Williams, pictured here in Miami in 2018. Larry is the all-time winner of the World Cup of Trading Championship with an astonishing 13,376% net return. Both of Larry’s daughters won the competition years later proving his methods have worked for 57 years and can be learned.

Losses and drawdowns are part of the game and every trader has to deal with that aspect of trading. In this way, traders get a true picture of what being a trader means so you can decide if it’s really something you feel good doing.

Max learned the hard way. In the beginning, he thought trading was an easy way to get wealthy. But it’s not. Like many other ways of success, it takes patience, discipline, and persistence. If you have what it takes, Max can help you achieve more success than you thought was possible.

In 2023, Max has set his sights on turning that $1.3 million into $10 million over the next 5 years.

Max's ultimate goal is to be known as the best futures trader of his generation. To do this, Max knows he must continue to be fully transparent to prove his success.

CME Group HQ
Max Schulz pictured here at the CME Group headquarters in Chicago alongside fellow multiple World Cup Championship of Futures Trading winners Stefano Serafini of Italy and Takumaru Sakakibara of Japan.

Over time, many traders contacted Max and wanted him to teach them his strategy and the opportunity to follow him and trade alongside him in real-time. InsiderWeek was born. Since then, Max has successfully taught hundreds of traders to trade his strategy and a few of his students have even gone on to also place in the World Cup of Futures Trading Championship.

Max enjoys talking with the community of InsiderWeek traders who keep him accountable, disciplined, and laser-focused on success. Trading can be an isolating activity and Max believes that having a good support group is important to keep himself and other traders grounded and mentally healthy to be successful.

Max’s Team.

InsiderWeek is the research and publishing company for Max Schulz, one of the world’s top futures traders. Max built a great team of experts from around the globe to support him so he can focus on trading.

Icon 1Research & Analytics

The Research team provides Max and his members with global weather and COT data analysis that affects the futures markets we trade so that Max can make the best trading decisions possible.

Icon 2Communications

The Communications team publishes Max’s weekly trading plans and daily trade setups and position updates to members. In addition, weekly articles on trading, and Commodities Market Report from the research team to provide our members with more in depth analysis of the global markets.

Icon 3Coaching

Our coaching team are traders that were successful using Max’s strategy. They provide help to our members that decide to dive deeper into our trading strategies through offered courseware, remote classroom learning and one-on-one mentoring.

Icon 4Technology

The Technology team provides our infrastructure to push real-time charts and performance data to our website, our members only portal areas, social media, and subscriber telegram channels.


Futures, foreign currency and options trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

CFTC Rules 4.41 - Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations, unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.

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