Start your career as a trader
Get access to our Futures Trading Course with training videos on futures, live webinars and exclusive tools.
What you get
Beginner trader
Start your career as a trader.
The Beginner Trader subscription gives you access to our Futures Trading Course with 10 educational videos on commodity futures trading. Our market analyses introduce you to the world of professional trading.
- Futures Trading Course
- Commodity Trading Reports
- Commodity IW Channel
$49 per month
It's special
Our Futures Trading Course, compiled by professional traders, puts all the information you need in your head to get you off to a successful start in futures trading.
In the process of training you will probably have a lot of questions about futures trading. You will be able to address them to professional traders at the weekly webinar.
After completing the Futures Trading Course, you'll probably want to try your hand as a trader. Our Commodities Trading Reports will help you focus on promising markets and make an informed approach to your first trades.
Professional traders use many tools in order to determine among others the most promising deals. You'll have access to a basic set of such tools that will immediately make your trading more conscious.
Let’s take a closer look at the main features
Learn the futures trading fundamentals
We offer a Beginner Trader subscription video course, that answers all the basic questions about futures and futures trading.
Get to know our trading channel
Our Telegram channel gives you access to useful articles and exclusive videos from Max Schulz, you can chat with other traders in the comments and gain experience for even more profitable deals.
Get access to our recorded webinars
You're not sure if COT data trading and swing trading in futures is what you need. With a Beginner Trader subscription you can watch monthly webinars. Get to know us and our strategy better.
Get your questions answered
While watching the training videos you will certainly have questions in your mind. You can ask them during our weekly FAQ webinars. This will help you gain a deeper understanding as you begin your study of our strategy.
Focus on promising markets
Learning the fundamentals is not enough to make a steady income from futures trading. When trading commodity futures, it is important to take into account weather factors, seasonality, trends and so on. In our weekly Commodities Trading Report, we gather all the information you need to make your trades consciously.
Rely on the data
Relying on data and not giving in to emotions is the first law of any successful trader. To make data analysis less time-consuming, in your personal MyIW cabinet you will find all the basic tools you need to get started as a trader: seasonality tool, seasonal trades and a list of weather services.