Trader type quiz:
Find your optimal trading style
Answer the following questions honestly to find out which trading style suits you best. Choose the answer that best describes your preference or situation.
Question 1
How much time can you dedicate to trading each day?
Question 2
How do you handle market volatility?
Question 3
What is your preferred holding period for a trade?
Question 4
How important is it for you to have a fixed daily routine?
Question 5
What is your risk tolerance?
Question 6
How do you make your trading decisions?
Question 7
How do you react to losing trades?
Question 8
How quickly do you expect to see results from your trades?
Question 9
How long are you willing to sit in front of a screen each day?
Question 10
Do you have a 9 to 5 job?
Your score: 8-14 points
Swing Trader
You are comfortable holding positions for several days to weeks. You balance risk and reward, and you’re okay with moderate volatility.
Your score: 15-24 points
Day Trader
You thrive on high volatility and are willing to spend significant time on the markets each day. Quick, in-and-out trades suit you well.
Your score: 25-32 points
You’re looking for very short-term opportunities, trading within minutes to hours. You can handle extreme volatility and have a high-risk tolerance.
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