Why we hold webinars and streams — and where to find them

In today's fast-paced digital world, staying connected and informed is more essential than ever. At InsiderWeek, we recognize the importance of continuous learning and engaging directly with our community. That's why we regularly host webinars and live streams, designed to deliver valuable insights and keep you ahead of the curve.

Here’s why you should join us for these interactive events and how you can easily access them.

What can you expect from our webinars?

Our webinars typically focus on specific trading-related topics, such as the Commitments of Traders (COT) report, seasonality, or commodities trading. We announce the topic in advance so you can decide if it’s of interest to you to plan your schedule accordingly.

Occasionally, we hold open-topic webinars dedicated to answering your questions in real time — this is our version of a live FAQ session.

Special occasions

Once a year, we host a special webinar where attendees have the chance to win valuable prizes, such as a month of our coaching program or a Pro Trader subscription. This event usually takes place in December, just before Christmas, though we may offer more opportunities throughout the year.


The key difference between our webinars and streams is the informal atmosphere of the latter. During our streams, we discuss our most relevant weekly trades and take the time to answer your questions directly. This is an interactive format that helps you better absorb information and quickly respond to changes in the market.

How to stay informed about our webinars and streams?

It's simple - just visit our website from time to time! You can find information about upcoming and past webinars on our Live Webinars page, or you might also see a pop-up notification a few days before an event.

If you haven’t engaged with us yet, consider subscribing to our newsletter at the bottom of our website. You’ll receive notifications a few days before each webinar. Rest assured, we never share your data with third parties, and we won’t flood your inbox with emails.

You can also follow us on social media to stay updated on all our upcoming events. We post regularly on Facebook and Telegram. By joining us, you become part of an active and supportive community of traders. You can share experiences with other members, discuss trading strategies, and get advice not only from our team, but also from other traders.

Missed an event?

If you missed a webinar, you can access the recording on our Live webinars page or the Downloads page, where all our materials are available to registered users. Creating a basic account is free of charge and easy, since you can register via Google or Facebook.

For our latest streams, visit the Downloads page or subscribe to our Youtube channel channel, where you can watch all past streams. Don’t forget to turn on notifications so you never miss an update!

Join us at InsiderWeek and stay connected, informed, and ahead in your trading journey.

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